Binary Options Unmasked – now available on Amazon

binary options anna coullingIt’s been a long time coming, but I am delighted to announce that my book on binary options, entitled Binary Options Unmasked, is now available on Amazon in Kindle, and will be published in the paperback version in the next few days.

All I can say is thank you all for your patience – I know many of you have been in contact to ask for updates on the publication date which slipped several times, and I can only apologise once again. This was a combination of factors both personal and business related, but at last it is here!

I am already working on my next book which is an introduction to FX Options, and which leads neatly on from the world of binary options.

If you would like to grab a copy now, please just click the link here – Binary Options Unmasked on Amazon –  and I hope you enjoy the book. Here’s how I summarize it on Amazon:

Binary Options Unmasked

Binary options – is is betting or trading? A debate that has been raging ever since binary options exploded onto the market, sweeping away convention, tearing up the rulebook, and dividing opinion. Indeed, simply mention the word binary and instantly a heated debate will ensue. But love them or loathe them, binary options are here to stay, and Binary Options Unmasked has been written to provide traders with a balanced and considered view of these deceptively simple yet powerful instruments. There are many traps for the unwary, but there are also some solid gold nuggets, if you know where to look.

Are Binary Options For Me?

This is the question I hope will be answered for you in this book. In writing it, I have tried to provide a complete introduction to the subject, with practical examples of how to approach these innovative instruments. Every aspect of this market is explained – both the good and the bad. Nothing is left unsaid. Binary options have much to offer, and used with common sense and thought, are perfectly valid trading instruments. Applied unthinkingly, they become like any other instrument – a quick way to lose money fast.

Binary Options Unmasked reveals the true characteristics of this market. It covers the current market participants, along with their product offering. Moreover, not only are binary options explained in detail, but their application as a trading instrument is also illustrated. Trading strategies and approaches too are explored, along with an innovative and practical approach to interpreting volatility, a key component of any options trading.

I hope this book, will give you the confidence at least to consider these instruments in more detail for yourself, with an open mind and your eyes wide open.

Many thanks once again for your patience, and if you do have any questions on what you read I am always happy to answer them if I can – just drop me a line here.

All best wishes and thanks again and I hope you find the book an enjoyable and informative read – kind regards and good trading – Anna

About Anna 2025 Articles
Hi – my name is Anna Coulling and I am a full time currency, commodities and equities trader. I have been involved in both trading and investing for over fifteen years and have traded many different financial instruments, from options and futures to stocks and commodities. I write and publish articles ( mostly for free ) for UK and international publications on a wide variety of financial issues, and in particular I enjoy helping others learn how to invest and trade.

4 Comments on Binary Options Unmasked – now available on Amazon

  1. Anna, I am new to the FX trading market and I have purchased all your books lest The Binary Options
    What I have realized at the very beginning is I need a Mentor. There are so many people and companies trying to seek you there product that does this and that. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out real quick they need a true Mentor. Do you have any suggestions as I have read some of you works and I have a true respect for your complete mental understanding of all markets. Thank you for your time.

    With Kind Regards,

    Michael D. Crane

    • Hi Michael – and first of all thank you for getting in touch, and thank you also for your very kind and generous comments which are much appreciated, and thank you so much for purchasing all my books, which I hope you enjoyed and are finding helpful as you get started. And so to your question:-) This is one that I have been asked many times over the years, and it is one which I have always answered with a ‘no’ I’m afraid, and perhaps if I can explain why, this may help a little. Naturally I would love to mentor traders and pass on my knowledge and experience in a more personal way, but as you can appreciate this is extremely time consuming, as it requires dedication by both parties to make it a success. The mentor/student relationship is also a very close one, and one which take times to establish, and once created, again there are responsibilities on both sides, and if one party does not deliver, then this also creates additional pressure. I do understand that it is extremely difficult in this market to find genuine people you can trust, and this was part of the reason I wrote the books, and continue to write, to pass on my trading knowledge and expertise to as many traders as possible, both to help speed the learning process, but also to provide a benchmark against which to validate education from other sources and providers. My suggestions would be to continue to read and absorb, and I can honestly say that even after almost twenty years of trading, I never stop learning and am always reading and discovering new ideas and approaches – the learning never stops! In my humble opinion, books are the best place to start, and I would also urge you to read some of those from the iconic traders such as Wyckoff and Richard Ney – the books are still available and if you are building your approach on volume, then these are great places to start. Finally, when you do being trading live, start with the smallest contract size possible – success is all about consistency and not about the money. The profits will come if can be consistent over an extended period, since it is just a question of scaling up from there! I hope the above helps and thank you once again for your very kind comments, and do keep in touch via the site – always happy to help if I can – all best wishes – Anna

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