Oil just keeps delivering – so enjoy the ride!

It’s often hard to find trading opportunities which just deliver, and keep delivering, but for oil this has been the case over the last few weeks, and this was no different yesterday, with the WTI futures as the price of oil fell once more, and offering straightforward, low risk, high return trading opportunities in all time frames.

The primary decision trading decision here is the number of contracts to trade, with the time and non time based charts providing those key insights to maximize returns. And here, it really is a case of make hay while the sun shines. These fantastic trading opportunities don’t come along every day, and until OPEC moves and potentially introduces supply cuts, this bearish momentum looks set to continue, but as always it will be volume which reveals any turn points or primary reversals in due course. So enjoy the ride lower!

About Anna 2025 Articles
Hi – my name is Anna Coulling and I am a full time currency, commodities and equities trader. I have been involved in both trading and investing for over fifteen years and have traded many different financial instruments, from options and futures to stocks and commodities. I write and publish articles ( mostly for free ) for UK and international publications on a wide variety of financial issues, and in particular I enjoy helping others learn how to invest and trade.

3 Comments on Oil just keeps delivering – so enjoy the ride!

  1. Hello Anna
    Really like to read your well written prose with inisghtful content Your easy style makes for ready assimilation So breezy after enduring Ian Copsey who writes like a Russian monk – cryptic not cyrilic. that poor boy cannot even understand what he has writ. Sounds more like drunked sailor from Edinburgh or Glasgow speaking Celtic on a barmy afternoon -totally sloshcd Needs a strong lady from Dublin to show him the way to Tip a perry.
    Ben though a the lot Defininitely keeping away from the men either fake or flakey also Helen Rush who uses a rear view mirror for her compass to read tea leaves. Don’t know how she does it but am amazed how shes still in the game. Anna I will need an email address to communicate effectively with charts. PLease I crave your indulgence to oblige. I promise to abide by your rules if any. ManyThanks
    # 1. Personal profile of Tony Teo.
    Years elapsed
    19 Born n bred in SGP ,education to Cambridge HSC
    6 London, study & working at HSBC
    10 Returned to SGP and to HSBC, a covenanted officer, to bank
    accountant, opened 2 branches.
    17 Stock brokering partner Singapore Stock Exchange
    13 Head hunted by Japanese Corporation, Kajima – Project & Resort developments,
    Malaysia Indonesia &Thailand ; sponser of IRBA Japanese startup
    for IPO in HK

    Year 2008 / Retired at 65, returned to family businesses
    18 Coach at ” Trading for a Living ” clinics, various SEA venues since 2000.

    turned 74 in June 2018.
    (unable to upload Seminar PPT PDF (3).pdf
    1707K View as HTML Scan and download )
    A PPT outline of Seminars held in Malaysia from 2000 onwards.
    For additional credibility I approached my then guru Robert Prechter
    Founder / President Elliott Wave International, for an endorsement, his name and pix was featured in the Seminar poster; EWT’s Chief Futures Analyst Peter DeSario also chipped in after reviewing my CD Rom .
    We keep in touch up until today .

  2. Time sensitive SINGSPORE 304pm = 3.04am EST.

    Hi guys
    What’s your take on WTIC
    Cash vs Futures aabsurd diff.
    Technicals are screaming a buy
    Last time like similar tech condition; WTIC jumped $13.
    Cheaper today at $55-56 typo corrected .and
    add no cheaper in Nov ’18 Look to $65 – 67 in
    a- b – c up in 3 waves . TKS
    Good luck

  3. Time sensitive SINGSPORE 304pm = 3.04am EST.

    Hi guys
    What’s your take on WTIC
    Cash vs Futures absurd diff.
    Technicals are screaming a buy
    Last time like similar tech condition; WTIC jumped $13.
    Cheaper today at $55-56 typo corrected .and
    add no cheaper in Nov ’18 Look to $65 – 67 in
    a- b – c up in 3 waves . TKS
    Good luck

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