Binary options unmasked, and other trading books coming soon…


Dear Anna, I hope you are doing well. Anna, I am just curious to know when you are going to publish your next books and what they will be about. Wishing you a pleasant weekend! Best wishes,


Hi – Many thanks for your email and with regard to my next books, these are as follows:

Binary Options Unmasked Cover 1 copyThe first is a book about Binary Options, called Binary Options Unmasked, and is due for publication in the next 2 months.

This explores the world of binary options and also its development from fixed odds. The book also explains the good and the bad of the binary world, how to trade binary options correctly, the risk reward profile on binaries and some of the marketing issues surrounding these new instruments.

This book will upset some in the industry, but it is one that I feel needs to be written to help traders understand this market, and the pros and cons of a true binary option ( of which there are very few!). This will be available in both Kindle and paperback. Here’s a sneak peek at the book cover ๐Ÿ™‚

The second book due out later this year is a workbook on volume price analysis. This will be a book of worked examples using volume price analysis and covering all the major markets and instruments. The book will be available in both Kindle and Paperback and is one that many of my readers have been asking for for some time, so I have finally found some time to get this published.

The third book which will be published in Q1 next year is a major stock trading and investing book. This will bring together all aspects of trading stocks, both speculative and investment, and based on my 20 years of trading this market. It will be a large work, and consider markets around the world, not just the primary US, Asian and UK markets, so I hope there will be something for everyone, although of course the overall approach will be the same, whatever the market.

Once again many thanks and the details of the books will be available on my site and in addition Amazon now also allow you to pre-release as a publisher, so the books will be there first! Thanks again and all best wishes

By Anna Coulling

About Anna 2025 Articles
Hi โ€“ my name is Anna Coulling and I am a full time currency, commodities and equities trader. I have been involved in both trading and investing for over fifteen years and have traded many different financial instruments, from options and futures to stocks and commodities. I write and publish articles ( mostly for free ) for UK and international publications on a wide variety of financial issues, and in particular I enjoy helping others learn how to invest and trade.

13 Comments on Binary options unmasked, and other trading books coming soon…

  1. Great News

    Hi Anna

    I really enjoyed your previous books and are looking forward to reading your new material.



    • Hi Sebastian – many thanks for your kind words – much appreciated. I’m writing as fast as I can so fingers crossed I will do my best to publish in the next few weeks. All best wishes and thanks again – Anna

  2. Hi Anna

    Your price and volume book was an informative read.

    I like others have already been burned by binary options. Way toooo naive about it.

    It looks like nothing but a casino with the house taking the money.

    Can you tell me what month I can start looking for your new bookon Amazon?



    • Hi Pete – many thanks for your kind comments and delighted you enjoyed reading the volume price analysis book and I hope you will find this approach helpful in your trading, and it is certainly something you can also apply to binary options. Naturally I was sorry to hear about your experience in the binary options world, which is why I am writing the book. As I’m sure you can appreciate you are not alone. This is not to say binary options are a bad thing, its just that as with any market, and even more so here, you do have to understand what you are dealing with, both in terms of the instrument and also the companies and brokers out there. What is perhaps ironic, is that binary options are sold as simple – the concept may be, but the underlying drivers are anything but – these are complex instruments and not simple to trade. But if you can understand the risks and the risk profile of the instruments, then they are just as valid, and like any other instrument in the market. As I have called the sub title of the book – Binary options exposed – The good, the bad and the downright dangerous – this really sums the market up at present. The book covers everything from fixed odds to what I consider true binary options, and explains every aspect from products, to companies, strategies, how to trade them (including using VPA), as well as outlining the dangers involved and what you need to understand before dipping a toe in the water. The book is due for publication towards the end of October/early November and will be available in both Kindle and paperback – fingers crossed and I will publish the details here too. Once again many thanks and all best wishes Anna = PS – this will be followed shortly after by a VPA book of worked examples due out in December. The stock trading and investing book then follows!

  3. Hi Anna. that good news to go out a second book about the volume. I learned to read and enjoy. It is true that lacking a little real examples to make it more complete but with this second secure enjoyment up out my analysis and operations with volume. I’ll be pending.
    Hugs and blessings.
    Greetings from Ecuador.

    • Hi Rafael – many thanks for your kind comments and so pleased you enjoyed A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis. The Binary Options Unmasked book will be out soon and I am working on the others in due course. All best wishes and thanks again – Anna

  4. Hi Anna,
    People are asking me what i wish for Christmas.
    Can I put the “Binary options unmasked” om my wishlist or will it not be coming out in time?

    • Hi Bjarne – many thanks and you certainly can! I will even send you the wrapping paper to put it under your Christmas Tree. It is literally in the final proofing stage this weekend and then off to our publishers for formatting into Kindle and the Paperback versions, so it will be available in the next couple of weeks:-) All best wishes and many thanks again – Anna ( and apologies for the delay in publishing !)

  5. Hello Anna, about 6 months ago I discovered VSA through Tom Williams who you mention in your book “A Complete Guide To Volume Analysis” but also Gavin Holmes, who incidentally went to the same school as myself in Lymington, Hampshire.

    I have also just finished reading David Weis and “Trades About to Happen”

    Though I had used volume in my trading it was only along the lines of seeing volume confirming trends, which is not a bad thing at all. A friend of mine bought your book as a birthday present for me since he knows about my studies and sent it to me here in Thailand. How Kind of him!

    I must congratulate you on a very clear and concise explanation which further cements the whole concept of Volume Price Analysis in my mind. I can seriously describe this as truly revealing of what is happening in the markets, it has opened my eyes and changed my trading analysis from simple support and resistance, which is not a bad thing in itself and divergences and reverse divergences (which I call Contra Divergence since it’s contra trend) and shows consolidation areas, thus keeping you in the main trend.

    After all this study, my analysis has shown me that Bearish divergence appears when volume is decreasing and bullish divergence appears when volume is increasing. The Contra divergence both bearish and bullish will appear following a confirming break of support or resistance and retraces with lowering volume. Amazing observations can be made using the Volume Price Analysis.I have hundreds of examples of this occurring now!

    Combining all my previous trading knowledge with learning from all three sources which includes yourself has truly changed my trading approach and success.

    I want to thank you for a well written and comprehensively explained methodology which I would recommend all of my trading friends to read and imbibe.

    Perhaps it will be my turn to pass the favour and give your book as a birthday present to one of my most fervently anti volume friends, perhaps it will remove the wool from his eyes and release him from the chains of trading fear.



    • Hi Stewart – many thanks for your very kind and generous comments which are much appreciated and even more so coming from someone who has used volume for some time. I cannot tell you the pleasure it gives me to read comments and emails such as yours, and it is a humbling experience. I never imagined the response the book would have in the trading world, and I have been overwhelmed with the positive responses and feedback, which have truly taken by breath away. For me, like you, it is hard to understand how anyone could trade not using volume – as I said in the book it just made sense to me from day one, and I cannot imagine trading using any other methodology. But of course it embraces so much more in candles, candle patterns and support and resistance, which then provides the foundations for secondary and tertiary indicators. Thank you so much once again – I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to write – it is truly appreciated and naturally if you do have any questions or need any help in the future, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line as I am always happy to help if I can. And what could be better than trading and living in Thailand – what a perfect combination:-)

      All best wishes and speak soon and many thanks again – Anna

      • Hi Anna, thank you for your reply.

        I should have added that I consider your generosity in sharing your knowledge so freely with many traders who are looking to improve and remove fear from their trading as a wonderful and giving characteristic that comes from your deep understanding of the markets, both you and your husband included.

        I have learned so much in 6 months that i feel like a sponge that is not quite soaked yet, there is more I can fit into my brain, but I have enough to trade with confidence. It feels like since reading your slightly differing way to analyse markets to Tom Williams and David Weis, your methodology and descriptions have captured all I have learned from both of those masters. Indeed both you are your husband are masters of Wycoff in your own right.

        I should add that I traded futures first in 1999 and used only what I later discovered were Key Reversals, which worked pretty well and that was end of day. Now I trade all time frames and recently began trading Forex. I plan next year to trade US Stocks too. I am already full time at this and I would love to share some of my methods with you and your husband if you don’t mind. Maybe you would have some ideas? Maybe there is something you could use? I would be interested to know if you use divergences and reverse divergence and if you have anything to say about such methods?

        Take care and hope to hear from you soon. I am busy watching some of your videos now!


  6. I learned a lot from your book: “A three dimensional approach to forex trading”; but VPA was a game changer for me. I didn’t realize how much I didn’t know.
    As they say in the BIG EASY, ” YOU ROCK!!!”
    NICK ; New Orleans

    • Hi Nick – thank you so much for your very kind and generous comments which are much appreciated and I’m just so pleased that you enjoyed reading my books and found them useful. What can I say – I am just so delighted that you have taken the time to write and as always if you do have any questions I’m more than happy to help if I can. Thanks so much once again, and wishing you every success in your trading – all best wishes Anna

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